Glossary of Common Terms

System Surveyor definitions and common terms used in the software platform.



Team Library (web) / All Sites (tablet) A list of all of the Sites from all users on the Team Account.
Workbench (web)/Favorites (tablet) A list of Sites that the user has selected to from the Library on the web or declared as “Favorite” on the tablet app in order to view or make changes.
Site A location specific folder which contains Surveys and Survey folders related to this location. In many cases, the Site can also represent a Customer.
Survey This is the floor plan, drawing or map where Elements may be placed to indicate a proposed or current location of a device.
Infomask Encrypt and store sensitive device configuration information to prevent unauthorized access.
System Type A general categorization of various Systems that can be represented within System Surveyor. Each System Type will contain multiple Elements: A general categorization of various Systems that can be represented within System Surveyor. Each System Type will contain multiple Elements:
  • Access Control
  • Audio Visual
  • Building Management
  • Communications
  • Facility Equip
  • Fire Alarm
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Infrastructure
  • Video Surveillance
Elements Each different Element Category represents a type of device and is placed on the Survey. System Surveyor has over 300 different Elements to select from in each Category.

Categories of Elements
  • Physical Component (Circle) - Represents discrete hardware devices. (i.e. Fixed Camera, PTZ Camera, Card Reader, Motion Detector )
  • Virtual Component (Diamond) - Represents discrete software or virtual components
  • Cable Path (Configurable Line) - A line most often connecting two Physical Components with end points designated as “A” and “Z” sides. One or more cables may be defined as part of a cable path
  • Assembly (Hexagon Container) - A group of elements that generally have an interrelated functionality. For a Physical Access Control Systems, a “Door” container may include a lock, a reader, a Door Position Sensor and a Request to Exit device. These Elements (referenced as “sub-elements”) can be grouped within a single Assembly Container.
  • Node (Square Container) - A node is most often a System “Head end” located in a data closet or room. The Node is a container that groups together multiple elements in the same room or area, and may contain any other Type of Element, including other Containers. Typically, these elements serve as the consolidation and control functions of a particular system.
Element Container These are certain Elements, with borders around the icon, that act as containers. This means you can drop multiple Elements into a single Element Container. Examples – Single Door, Node. The elements that are dropped into a container are called Sub-elements
Attributes The data entered for a given element. Examples – Model Number, Device Price, Installation Date, etc.
Element Profiles Device templates that are saved to a team. They can be applied to an Element on the edit page and will fill in the given attributes for that element.
Budget Estimator Total proposed budget based on proposed devices and elements using your own cost and labor data, with the ability to pull in manufacturer MSRP costs.
Editor The Survey Editor can make updates and modifications to individual Surveys. Then release the edit for another team member and alert them using Survey Comments that it’s their time to work on it.
User Types Account Admin
Have the ability to manage billing and seat quantity – in addition to all capabilities of team admins

Team Admin
Have the ability to invite and delete users/guest, delete surveys, revoke site and survey privileges, manage element profiles and manage app configuration – in addition to all the capabilities of team members.

Team Member
Have the ability to invite guests, view and edit surveys, and run reports. These users can NOT see or change data behind the InfoMask within the Configuration attributes.

Guest User
Can have view only or edit privileges within a site. Guest users are invited to each site.
Types of Accounts Starter
For small projects or to just try things out

For smaller integrators that want automation & efficiency

For mid-size integrators with teams, partners, and subs

Enterprise / Corporate
For national or global integrators or fast-scaling, larger teams