Site Dashboard

The Site Dashboard contains Surveys and Survey folders related to this location. In many cases, the Site can also represent a Customer.

There are many notable features within the Site Dashboard. 


Modify the Survey View 

Users can select whether to view the Surveys as a list or tiles.  


The Archive option allows users to save completed Surveys for future reference without keeping the Survey on the Site Dashboard.  

Once a Survey is Archived, users can use the Archive toggle from the Site Dashboard to view the Survey archive.  

Release All Edits

Account & Team Admins can “Release All Edits” within the Site. 

Releasing all edits will remove the Editor of all the Surveys. The Surveys within this Site will now be available for other Team Members to edit. 

New Folder 

Folders are a great way to organize Surveys.  

Our Scale, Enterprise, Corporate and Campus Plans allow for Folders

When creating a folder, users can add a name and a folder label.  

The folder label adds a prefix in front of the Element ID in the excel reports.  

When running reports users can distinguish between the ID's. It can be a prefix for the project or location. Ie. BLD1 will look like BLD1-FCAM-001, BLD1-FCAM002. If users add a label for another folder it could be BLD2-FCAM-001. 

TIP: If there is no survey or folder label then Elements in excel report could have two Elements with the same ID for example two 'FCAM-001's 


From the Site Dashboard users can run Site level reports. 

With the Report option on the Site Dashboard users can run reports on all the Surveys within the Site.